The World’s Most Oddly Designed Airplanes


Lockheed XFV

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The Lockheed Corporation assembled the XFV in the 1950’s. This aircraft is sometimes referred to as the Salmon. I mean, If we’re going to name aircrafts after inanimate objects like cigars and pancakes, why not a fish? This name derived not from appearance but rather from the chief test pilot – Herman Salmon.

Lockheed developed the Salmon as a tailsitter prototype, an aircraft with vertical take-off and landing from its tail.

This experimental aircraft participated in 32 flights. The Salmon flew, but not as expected. It never performed a vertical take-off or landing aside from an accidental hop. Additionally, the Salmon couldn’t compete in speed with its fighter contemporaries. This aircraft’s high-learning curve for pilots influenced its cancellation.

Museums exhibit both Salmon prototypes.
