Top 100 Amazing Places to Travel Around North America


1.Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA

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The sprawling Yellowstone National Park gives the truest meaning to the word nature and adventure.  It is open year-round but events and activities vary depending on the season.

2.Walt Disney World, Florida, USA

Children are not the only ones enchanted with the magic that Disneyworld brings. After all, there’s always a child in every adult!

3.Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, USA

Originally brought to America as a gift from France in the 1880’s, it was built by the same man who made Eiffel Tower.

4.Rocky Mountains, North America

One of the longest mountain ranges in the world, Rocky Mountains stretches as far as Alaska to Mexico and melts into the Andes Mountains in South America.

5.Yosemite National Park, California, USA

Renowned for its granite cliffs, luscious waterfalls, giant sequoias, and diverse wildlife, Yosemite National park is simply too hard to resist when in sunny California.
