75 Of The Most Beautiful Places In The United States


41. Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area, New Mexico.

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Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah is one of the isolated areas in the San Juan Basin. It well-known for its yellow cap rocks and picturesque ochre or olive colored bentonite hills.

42. Kenai Fjords, Alaska.

Kenai Fjords is composed of rugged landscapes, towering mountains, as well as about 40 glaciers, including the huge Exit Glacier.

43. The Morgan Library & Museum, New York City.

The Morgan Library is a gem of a museum and archive that houses one of the greatest collections of manuscripts, books, as well as drawings on the planet.

44. Big Sur, California.

The impressive scenery at Big Sur forms one of the most interesting ocean memories between Carmel and the northern tip of San Luis Obispo County. You can also find fine dining spots and galleries along the six-mile strip that will make each visit quite enjoyable and satisfying.

45. The Palouse, Washington, and Idaho.

The entire field offers scenic driving to visitors and locals with its fertile farmland and rolling hills. At 2,490-feet, Tekoa Mountain is the highest elevation at the Palouse County.