50 Incredible Places On Earth You Won’t Believe Exist


16. Starry Beach, Maldives.

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This glow-in-the-dark beach is not a man-made body of water. It actually exists and can be found in the Maldives. Microscopic organisms called bioluminescent phytoplankton, or Lingulodinium polyhedron, cause this luminescent and picturesque glow at night.

17. Yosemite Valley, USA.

The Yosemite Valley is famous for its waterfalls and majestic mountain peaks. The Valley is on the western edge of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

18. Lake Retba, Senegal and Lake Hillier in Australia.

It’s unusual but real. These pink lakes actually exist, and they can be found in Australia. They look like a giant bowl filled with milkshake. Their striking color is attributed to the algae present in the water that produces carotenoids, like the Dunaliella Salina, a type of halophile green micro-algae naturally found in sea salt fields.

19. Tianzi Mountains, China.

This mountain range is named after a farmer named Xiang Dakun from the Tujia ethnic group. He led a successful local farmers’ revolt and called himself “Stanzi”. It is also known as ‘the Monarch of the Peak Forest’.

20. Stone Forest, Madagascar.

This labyrinth of stone is characterized by razor-sharp vertical rocks that are isolated and massive. Downward migration of surface water and ground water caused the gradual modification of these natural formations to acquire the form it now has.