47 Bizarre And Weird Places In Utah


36.) Delta Solar Ruins in Hinckley, Utah

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Along the stretch of the desolate Utah desert stands the remains of an ingenious solar power system that didn’t have the chance to withstand the rough desert conditions.

37.) Grafton Ghost Town in Rockville, Utah

Five Mormon families were the first inhabitants of Grafton town in 1859. The town was first washed off by the Virgin River in 1862. It was rebuilt afterward. It was completely abandoned in the 20th century when the last of its dwellers left in search for a better land.

38.) Eccles Dinosaur Park in Ogden, Utah

About one hundred dinosaur replicas made of the actual fossil skeletons fill the 8-acre Eccles Dinosaur Park. The Elizabeth Dee Shaw Stewart Museum is also located in this park.

39.) Home of Truth in Monticello, Utah

The Truth Center, which was once home to post-apocalyptic religious devotees, was opened in 1933 by a wealthy widow Marie Ogden from New Jersey. The community died by the end of the 1930s.

40.) 17 Room Ruin in Bluff, Utah

The Anasazi Pueblo remains, which is said to be composed of 17 rooms, are found hidden in a large 100-foot-deep alcove that looms above the San Juan River.
